If you choose to use Homebrew (and I sincerely encourage you to do so), just fire up a terminal window (or use the one that you have opened for installing Homebrew) and run the two commands: brew update brew install gradle

In fact, having Gradle in place, you don’t even need to follow my last tutorial (except for the short VSC part).

Code is available over at githubīecause you are reading this How-To, I assume you know what Gradle is? In case you don’t, let’s stay very brief about it: Gradle is a tool that manages all the dependencies your project relies on, it configures all tools for the build process, it builds your project and: it has to be installed! Moreover, with Gradle, it becomes also feasible to handle the development of even large applications. With Gradle, all the previous steps can be automated in just a couple of easy steps. In my last How-To – Build and run a Kotlin/Native application with Visual Studio Code on macOS I showed you how to setup, build, and run your first Kotlin/Native application using the barebone Kotlin/Native compiler inside Visual Studio Code (VSC).